Looking Ahead: The Future of Artificial Turf

by | Dec 30, 2010 | Recent News

As the end of 2010 draws to a close one tends to look towards the future.  For Paradise Greens and the Artificial Turf industry the future has never been brighter.  The engineering and design of Artificial Turf systems are constantly improving.  As new technological advancements continue with manufacturing and materials, possibilities are endless. There is no end in sight to the array of uses for Synthetic Turf.  It is no longer a sports field industry is transforming. Now it is a 50/50 split between sports fields and the landscape industry.  Natural turf maintenance is expensive. It uses significant amounts of natural resources, and has other environmental impacts.  Yet, with the artificial turf industry there are many benefits.

Recent installations of Artificial Turf include new advancements that serve both economic and environmental needs. For instance, large holding tanks can be found beneath some outdoor installations. Hence, run off is held in the tanks, and finds use later for watering practice fields or landscape plantings.  Also, the entire Artificial Turf industry is leaning more towards LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Accreditation. Finally, the artificial turf industry is more environmentally conscience.

Artificial Turf Industry and the Eco-Movement

New forms of Artificial Turf are completely recyclable. This involves utilizing waste from the manufacturing process. And don’t forget the infill.  Paradise Greens is proud to be a distributor of Envirofill, a completely 100% recyclable, naturally occurring infill that eliminates microbe survival in the turf canopy.  Seems like these new generations of Artificial Turf infill are 100% recyclable. Also, they reduce surface temperature of the turf by 25%. And the best part? It is just as safe as natural turf minus the costly maintenance. In addition, it magnifies water conservation efforts!

So with these tremendous strides encompassing the entire Artificial Turf industry one can only imagine technological advancements of the future.  So Happy New Year to you and yours from Paradise Greens!

To discuss your Artificial Turf project do the following. Visit www.paradisegreens.com or call to speak with a sales professional. They will schedule a complimentary estimate! That number is 480.586.0655

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