choosing artificial turf
From one of our most recent installs, a customer mentioned how much he especially loved the color of the artificial turf. In fact, to quote him… “If you are looking for an artificial turf company, do not waste your time looking anywhere else. Go with Paradise greens,” He exclaimed. Therefore, if you feel like your backyard may be lacking color, choosing artificial turf is a great way to brighten up a space.

Initially, some customers lean toward using rock. However, there are a few problems with using it as a prominent feature. Most notably, rock only comes in a few muted colors and tends to wash out a backyard. This is especially true if your backyard is very large.

This is one reason our customer’s prefer artificial grass over rock. It is brighter and presents much better. One thing customers are always shocked about is there are different color turf options available. They are pleased to find we have  a color that blends in with grass color found in their area. Grass color varies across the state after all. To answer why, a bit of explanation is in order.

Choosing Artificial Turf: Light Green or Dark Green?

The best rule of thumb to use when choosing a color for your lawn? Consider your climate. Why? Because there are different variations in different areas. For instance, Phoenix, Arizona grass is lighter than grass in Northern Arizona.  It has to do with the weather. Consequently, grass up north is usually a deeper shade of green.

Due to this, your artificial turf will match near by real grass lawns. And because of that, no one will be able to tell the difference between your artificial turf lawn and a real grass lawn! Of course, this is where Paradise Greens comes in. When choosing artificial turf we literally have you covered. Consequently, if you want a bright, spring green color, no problem. However, if you want a deep green hue instead, well we have that too. Both products look identical to grass that naturally grows in the varying Arizona climates. However, what sets this artificial turf apart is that it even comes with some dead blades so that it mimics slight impurities of a real grass lawn.

Contact us for your free artificial turf estimate. Paradise Greens serves Phoenix, Arizona and surrounding cities. We will come to your location and show you artificial turf samples. Feel free to put the artificial turf sample right next to real grass so that you can see the magic for yourself!



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