Practice Your Putting at Home with a Paradise Greens Putting Green!

by | Aug 9, 2015 | Artificial Turf Sport Areas, Putting Greens

What does having your own Paradise Greens putting green installed mean for you? This quote sums it up best.

“The better you putt, the bolder you play.”

 – Don January

With your own home putting green you can practice your putting in the backyard and bring it to the golf course! It’s the ultimate way to elevate your game!

paradise greens putting green

Improve Your Game with a Paradise Greens Putting Green

So our client knew what they want and went after it. And we have to say, the end result is pretty amazing. This Paradise Greens putting green will get years of use. With that in mind, let’s look closely at a few things. First, the shape. If you didn’t know any better you would think you were on a golf course. However, just don’t tee off. If so, you might hit the BBQ grill. Yet all kidding aside, the shape is what makes this install work. The lines integrate the putting green beautifully as part of the lawn, Hence, the end result is a compliment rather than a new addition. This is why it is important to work with a company that has a lot of experience. Paradise Greens has been in business for more than ten years. We know putting greens.

Second, look at the number of flags on this green. There are five total. While most homeowners would be content with one flag and a nice break, but not this client. Five flags give them multiple positions and angles to practice their short game. Rather than practice one aspect of a putt, there are literally hundreds of putting scenarios and possibilities with this set up. Maybe this client wants to go pro, who knows?

Get Your Own Custom Arizona Putting Green

So we know what you are thinking at this point. Is it possible to have your own customized Arizona putting green? Of course, the answer is yes, especially if you choose Paradise Greens. We are just a phone call or email away. So what are you waiting for? Contact us for your own piece of Paradise!

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