The bottom line is that the front yard is really not a useful area for living so it is designed more for aesthetic purposes. In most parts of the country where water is not an issue it is fine to have natural grass. However, synthetic lawns make sense in the desert where we have water shortages. Your lawn remains green year round and more water is conserved. That’s a win-win. let’s look at some other benefits.

Why Synthetic Lawns Make Sense
As we just stated, growing anything green in the desert requires work and lots of water. You could easily spend twice as much time cultivating your lawn in the desert than you would in, say, the Midwest. Our soil is sandy, requiring more topsoil for sod roots than other parts of the country. This comes at greater expense to you.
Not to mention. the cost associated with maintenance. The list includes things like:
- lawnmowers
- weed eaters
- blowers
- pesticides
- fertilizers
- over seeding
- thatch removal
We could go on but you get the point. Synthetic lawns makes sense in the desert because they take away all of the work. If you are using the classic risk versus reward equation than risk is very minimal while the reward is exponentially larger. Switching to artificial grass is a no-brainer!
Need a New Front Lawn?
So do you need a new maintenance free front lawn? One phone call or inquiry can make it happen. See why Paradise Valley loves us so much. Our team is the best Arizona has to offer. It all begins with a consult. we come to you with product in hand so you can see and feel the quality for yourself. Once you make a decision, an install date is set. Our team shows up and you get a brand new evergreen front yard. Synthetic lawns makes sense in the desert. Let us show you why!