Like any investment, there are some boxes you should check off before pulling the trigger, and artificial grass is no exception. Here are the top three things you should check on before you decide to get artificial grass installed.
1. Do the Math
Artificial grass is an investment that pays off long term, with lower water bills and non-existent maintenance costs. Get a price quote and use that to make an estimate of when artificial grass will start to pay off. Make sure you have enough in the bank to manage the upfront costs. Ask about financing options. And lastly, make sure you plan on being in your current home for long enough to see dividends. You don’t want to still be paying off artificial grass on a house you’re not even living in.
More on calculating cost in this article.
2. Check Out Previous Installations
Before deciding on an installer, take a look at their installation gallery. Does their previous work meet the level of complexity needed for your lawn? As important as the products you choose are, ultimately it’s the skill of the installer that matters most. And though it goes without saying, don’t install artificial grass yourself – especially if it’s a putting green you’re after. The grade, drainage, and installation knowledge required for a proper putting green are is a super specialized skillset.
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3. Check with Your HOA
As much as it pains us to say it, not all HOAs in Arizona allow artificial grass. You’ll want to check your local rules and regulations before spending your time, or it could end up being really costly. And write your local congressperson. Back in 2017 there was an attempt to prohibit HOAs from banning artificial grass, but it wasn’t successful. So until something changes, make sure you have permission first. Some HOAs allow artificial grass in the backyard only.